University System of Georgia
Steppingblocks Resource Hub
Explore below to learn more about how Steppingblocks can help you achieve your institutional goals
Welcome to Steppingblocks
We are so excited to bring graduate outcomes data and data driven career planning tools to all students in the University System of Georgia.
Announced by the chancellor and governor in August 2022, Steppingblocks will support strategic initiatives on each campus by:
• Performing an analysis of the alumni population for each institution, empowering current students to gain insights into and connect their degree choices to graduates in that field while facilitating networking.
• Creating a customized portal for each institution so students, faculty, and administrators can securely access institutional and statewide resources to support student academic success.
• Building and connecting several analytic data-driven tools for students to use in order to construct individualized pathways towards degree success.
• Providing students with high-quality career counseling services in a one-stop, web-based location.
For more information about this initiative, click here.
Recorded Trainings and Webinars
Click the links below to review the University System of Georgia trainings.